Friday, February 14, 2025Register


Economic Order Quantity Calculator

The Economic Order Quantity model can be used to compute EOQ quantities.  This JFF model will also evaluate a quantity discount or savings to determine whether buying in that quantity offers an economic advantage. Register and log-in to use the free EOQ Calculator. Learn more about Economic Order Quantities.

Forward Buying

Forward Buying provides an analysis of purchasing situations just before a cost increase, or when a vendor offers an extra discount or extended terms.   It charts extra profit after carrying and handling costs, and ROI on the incremental investment for various size orders.  You have to Register, Log-In, and purchase a Subscription to use the Forward Buying on-line calculator.  Learn More about the benefits of mastering Forward Buying.

Safety Stock Calculator

The Safety Stock Calculator recommends safety stock in day’s supply for various service level goals, based on forecast, demand and lead time variability.  JFF's version includes a "secret ingredient" to compensate for real world situations that don't adhere to the pure statistics.  You have to Register, Log-in, and purchase a Subscription to use the Safety Stock on-line calculator.  Learn more about the Safety Stock Calculator.

Register & Subscribe

New UsersRegister to use the Free EOQ Calculator. Log-in to see all menu choices.  Once you register and log in, you may purchase a JFF Subscription to use the Forward Buying and Safety Stock Calculators and save your projects. 
Existing Users – Log In below to use all features, purchase or renew your Monthly or Annual Subscription.
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Inventory Champ calculators are designed to help merchants know how to increase profits by properly manipulating their inventory.  The website features three Calculators to help manage inventory: 1. Economic Order Quantity Calculator or EOQ -- to determine how much inventory to order at one time ; 2. Forward Buying provides an analysis of purchasing situations just before a cost increase or when there are temporary "deals".; 3. Safety Stock Calculator -- what extra inventory should you have to achieve a service level goal.
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